Beauty resolutions are always more fun and exciting to the usual resolutions we tend to have at the start of the year! This time lets promise to keep the routine all year round so we can really experience the full benefits.
We’ve compiled a list of our top 6 favourite resolutions so we can all keep being fabulous this 2015!
1) I WILL Detox: Getting rid of toxic and unwanted substances properly, whether it be the make-up or dirt on the skin – it’s important to keep the skin clean, so your natural beauty is glowing.
Check out: Microdermabrasion and peel packages and facials!
2) I WILL be healthy: As well as keeping your skin and body clean on the outside, the inside is just as important. Let’s try and actually drink those 2 liters of water a day and up the fruits and vegetables. Here’s a little secret, A healthier body will show on your skin and mood and products you use will work better.
3) I WILL upgrade my routine: It’s time to change the routine, after a while the skin gets used to products and regimes you use and less effective. Upgrade your routine by trying new products, new treatments to find out what works better for you. We all need a refreshing new and interesting routine every few months.
Check out: Deep dermal cleanse, IPL hair removal and skin tightening!
4) I WILL cleanse, tone and moisturize: Though moisturizing is already part of every ones routine, are we all moisturizing more than just our face? If not, it’s time to evaluate the importance of moisturizing all our body! Don’t wait for the dry crackly skin to start moisturizing, beat it! Cleansing is just important in order for the moisturizer to really work its magic. But once you’ve cleaned, make sure your using toner on your skin so all you natural oils are brought back into the skin. 1 cleanse, 2 tone, 3 moisturize!
5) I WILL massage: Stressed, too busy, restless? Always make time for a massage, relaxing the muscles, clearing any tension and giving your body the boost it needs – having a massage is definitely not a waste of time!
Check out: Love U hot stone massage, back massage and body massage.
6) I WILL spoil myself: You need to treat yourself, and beauty treats are the best there is. Take time to really appreciate yourself, take in the year so far, relax and feel great! This is a must if we want 2015 to top 2014!

Check out: Deluxe and Shellac manicures, pedicures and tanning courses.
Make 2015 your year
– Love U x