So you’ve bitten the bullet and decide to have your first bikini wax. You’ve survived the pain (actually, you can pat yourself on the back as it wasn’t as bad as you thought, right?), but what happens next?
Actually, your post bikini wax care is extremely important if you want to keep your bikini area looking its best and to ensure that no painful issues arise.

We’ve put together a short list of things to do and things to avoid doing in the first days after your bikini wax:
Don’t Take a Hot Bath
Your bikini area is going to be a little sore and sensitive and hot water will only exacerbate this. Bathing in luke warm or tepid water is fine, as is having a shower. You should also avoid using any products that are highly perfumed or contain harsh chemicals – the gentler your soap the better. However you can use tea tree or lavender oil in your bath to gently sooth the area. If it feels especially tight and painful, then a mild hydrocortisone cream will help to ease the feeling.
No Tanning
Again, the bikini area will not thank you for subjecting it to any heat or chemicals. Avoid tanning beds and spray tans for around 48 hours after waxing.
Avoid Friction
Take care with what you wear for the first couple of days after a bikini wax. While you might be tempted to leap into bed with your partner to show off your waxing, you may find that the act of sex is a little abrasive to start off with. Sorry ladies, but it is best to leave this area well alone until any redness or soreness has subsided, the hair follicles can take up to 6 hours to fully close after waxing so you need to resist touching the area, regardless of how smooth and silky it feels!
Cotton knickers and loose fitting clothes will be your best friend for the first 24 to 48 hours after your first bikini wax.
Once any soreness from the area has gone you can then exfoliate the area on a regular basis, this will help to prevent any ingrowing hairs. If you spot any ingrowing hairs following your bikini waxing you can gently use a pair of tweezers to extract them.
Using a bath mitt you can make exfoliating the area part of your daily shower or bath routine.
No Shaving
Once you’ve gone down the road of bikini waxing, you’ll find each subsequent session much quicker, easier and less painful. Shaving in between waxes will irritate the skin and will cause the hair to grow back thicker than if you only waxed. Shaving the area will also encourage ingrowing hairs.
Book Your Next Appointment
After your first bikini wax you may start to see some hair appear at around 2-3 weeks. Subsequent bikini waxings should last between four and six weeks.