We can’t lie, bikini waxing for the first time is quite a painful process, but we do promise that over time each subsequent waxing gets less painful as the hairs become thinner and easier to extract.

For the best results from your bikini wax, we recommend you follow our top tips:
Choose your time wisely
Whilst certain types of bikini wax can be done when you are on your period, you may find that your pain threshold is much lower at this time of the month. It may be better to schedule your bikini waxing at a different time of your cycle.
If you’re having a bikini wax to surprise your partner or prior to going on holiday, you may want to have the treatment a few days in advance so that the area isn’t still sore.
Have the right length of hair
Don’t be tempted to cut, trim or shave your bikini line too much just prior to a waxing. For the best (and least painful) results hair should be around 1cm, any shorter and the hairs are less likely to be pulled out with ease, any longer and it will be more painful to pull the hairs out and you may prolong the treatment because your technician will have to trim the area for you.
Take painkillers
Some women swear by taking a pain killer such as a paracetamol or ibuprofen around an hour before their appointment. Obviously this won’t completely erase any pain, but it will make it more bearable.
Decide on the type of bikini wax you want beforehand
If you’re a little unsure of how much hair you want to remove, we recommend starting slowly and building your way up to a full Brazilian or Hollywood bikini wax. You will become more tolerant to the pain and you’ll get used to seeing yourself with less hair ‘down there’. However, if you choose to have it all removed then remind yourself that the whole process will only take around 30 minutes from start to finish!
Don’t exfoliate
Exfoliating after a bikini wax is very important, but doing so beforehand will only serve to irritate the skin even more than necessary.
Wear comfortable knickers
Your newly wax bikini area may sting and smart a little after your first waxing, so wearing soft cotton underwear will help to banish any further irritants. Choose underwear that is easy to move to the side if you’re opting for a standard or extended bikini wax.
Try to avoid wearing jeans, tights or other clothing that is tight around your bikini area straight after as it may chafe.